Some Game Theory Examples

Some Worked examples

Let us consider some simple real life situations that we may have experienced. We will analyse these situations and arrive at:

  • Players or AGENTS
  • Their Possible ACTIONS
  • Their 4Rs, and if they are identical, or not
  • Payoffs and Matrix
  • Understand whether it is a Prisoners’ Dilemma, or Stag Hunt, or Chicken, or maybe not model-able as a Game.

Story 1: Siblings at Home

You and your brother have to share Dining Table duties. One of you lays the Table for Dinner, the other cleans up.

Players: You, and your Brother

- You: Cooperate: Lay the Table; Defect: Do not Lay the Table - Brother: Cooperate: Clean Up after Dinner; Defect: Do not Clean Up.

4Rs and Temptations:

4Rs You Brother
REWARD Dinner Laid; Praise from Family; Satisfaction/Feel Good Table Clean; Praise from Family; Satisfaction/Feel Good
RISK Family Ire Family Ire
REGRET No Satisfaction/Feel Good No Satisfaction/Feel Good
RETRIBUTION Family Ire; Grounded? No Dinner !!?? Family Ire; Grounded? No Dinner !!??