I am Water

Petr Slováček on Unsplash


There is some stuff lying on the floor of the classroom.

  • Lego
  • Where’s Waldo? Books
  • Magic Eye Books
  • Dominos
  • Magnets + Links
  • Parquetry Blocks
  • Imaginarium Train Set + Thomas the Tank Engine

Play!! Yes, you.


  • Did you get bored?
  • Did you lose sense of time at any point?
  • Did anything become too difficult at any time?
  • What did you do at such times?

What is Flow?


We will understand Flow from:

  1. The book Flow and the Psychology of Happiness, pp; 72-76; by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

  2. This video:

  3. This TED Talk : Flow, the Secret to Happiness

  4. This is Water: David Foster Wallace’s famous Talk:

  5. Let us quickly read and discuss this extract from the Play and Playground Encyclopedia

Pop Quix: Want still more Flow?

No, that is not a bad spelling….why not?

Go find me in this picture !! Pillar Rock

Additional Readings

  1. Maria Popova. (April 8, 2016). Diane Ackerman on the Evolutionary and Existential Purpose of Deep Play. https://www.themarginalian.org/2016/08/04/diane-ackerman-deep-play/

  2. Ian Bogost, “Play at Anything”
