TRIZ - Reference Documents


This is an annotated and embedded list of documents that I have gathered on various aspects of TRIZ. All downloadable, in the interest of spreading TRIZ awareness!


  1. Stan Kaplan. An Introduction to TRIZ. PDF. Read this booklet if this is the only TRIZ document you are going to read.

  2. Lev Shulyak. Introduction to TRIZ. PDF. Short Two-pager intro.

  3. Simon Litvin, Vladimir Petrov, Mikhail Rubin, Victor Fey. TRIZ BODY OF KNOWLEDGE. PDF. A one page map of the TRIZ system, with copious references. Compiled by TRIZ greats.

  4. What is TRIZ? Presentation. PDF

  5. Yaroslav Baronov. TRIZ Overview. PDF

  6. Cal Halliburton, Victoria Roza.(December 2005). New Tools for Design. The Technology Teacher, the journal of the International Technology Education Association. PDF

  7. Valeri Souchkov. (November 2006, updated November 2011). Annotated List of Key TRIZ Components and Techniques. PDF

  8. Martin G. Moehrle.(2005) What is TRIZ? From Conceptual Basics to a Framework for Research. CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, Volume 14 Number 1, March 2005. PDF

  9. Khomenko N. Super-short introduction into Classical TRIZ and OTSM. PDF

  10. G.S. Altshuller, R.B. Shapiro (1956). The Psychology of Inventive Creativity. TRIZ Review: Journal of the International TRIZ Association – MATRIZ. Vol 1, #1, February 2019. PDF

  11. Felicito S. Caluyo. Innovation and the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ): Presentation. PDF

Books by G. S. Altshuller.

  1. Altshuller G.S. THE ART OF INVENTING - AND SUDDENLY THE INVENTOR APPEARED. Moscow: Detskaya Literatura, 1989 (1st ed.-1984; 2nd ed.-1987; 3rd ed.- 1989). ISBN 5-08-000598-X.

This book was written in a popular manner and was aimed at teenagers. In this book, a reader can study 78 real inventive problems and learn to apply 27 practical tools and techniques to solve the problems presented. Book includes some advises for future inventors.

  1. Altshuller, G.S. (1984). Creativity as an Exact Science: The Theory of the Solution of Inventive Problems. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, New York. > This book includes descriptions of 70 inventive problems, ARIZ-77 and several examples of solving problems with a new version of ARIZ.

The book presents a system of the Laws of Evolution of Technical Systems, the first version of Inventive Rules (Standards), and the principles of Su-Field analysis.

Book also includes 40 Inventive principles and articles about their evolution, the articles about S-curve life line of systems, the articles about approaches to scientific problem solving, and a table of using several physical effects for inventive problem solving.

  1. Altshuller, G.S. (1999) The Innovation Algorithm: TRIZ, Systematic Innovation, and Technical Creativity. Technical Innovation Center, Worcester, MA.

  2. Altshuller, G.S. (1991) To Find an Idea: Introduction to the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, 2nd edn. Nauka, Novosibirsk.

TRIZ Examples

  1. Arvind’s TRIZ Case Study Database 😄! Online Presentation

  2. The TRIZ Journal. Inventive Principle Examples

  3. 40 Inventive Principles for Architecture. PDF

  4. 40 Inventive Principles for Business. PDF

  5. 40 Inventive Principles for Chemical Engineering. PDF

  6. 40 Inventive Principles for Construction. PDF

  7. 40 Inventive Principles for Customer Satisfaction. PDF

  8. 40 Inventive Principles for Customer Satisfaction. PDF

  9. 40 Inventive Principles for Education. PDF

  10. Stefano Filippia, Daniela Barattina. Exploiting TRIZ tools in Interaction Design. World Conference: TRIZ FUTURE, TF 2011-2014. PDF

  11. 40 Inventive Principles for the Food Industry. PDF

  12. 40 Inventive Principles for Marketing and Sales. PDF

  13. Ismail Ekmekcia, Mustafa Koksala. (2015). Triz Methodology and an Application Example for Product Development. World Conference on Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. PDF

  14. 40 Inventive Principles for Quality Management. PDF

  15. Boris Zlotin, Alla Zusman, Len Kaplan, Svetlana Visnepolschi, Vladimir Proseanic and Sergey Malkin. TRIZ Beyond Technology: The Theory and Practice of Applying TRIZ to Non-Technical Areas. PDF

  16. Valeri Souchkov. Made with TRIZ: Successful TRIZ Cases. PDF

  17. GearWrench. X-Beam Spanner Product Sheet. PDF. Uses TRIZ IP Another Dimension.

  18. Julian F.V. Vincent, Olga Bogatyreva, Anja-Karina Pahl, Nikolay Bogatyrev and Adrian Bowyer. Putting Biology into TRIZ: A Database of Biological Effects. PDF

From Project TETRIS

  1. Project TETRIS. Crash-Proof Key. PDF

  2. Project TETRIS. Umbrella Design. PDF

  3. Project TETRIS. Innovative Connecting Rod for Engines. PDF

  4. Project TETRIS. Leak-Proof Ballpoint Pens. PDF

  5. Project TETRIS. Removing Ice off frozen tranmission lines. PDF

From Oxford Creativity

  1. Oxford Creativity. 40 Inventive Principles With Examples. PDF

Project TETRIS Documents

These are from an early project on teaching TRIZ to school children, in Italy.

  1. Project TETRIS. Table of Contents. PDF

  2. Project TETRIS. Fundamentals of Classical TRIZ. PDF

  3. Project TETRIS. Laws of Engineering System Evolution. PDF

  4. Project TETRIS. Short Review of Altshuller’s Algorithm of Inventive Problem Solving (ARIZ) Illustrated. PDF

  5. Project TETRIS. Su-Field Analysis and Standard Solutions. PDF

  6. Project TETRIS. Techniques to Resolve Contradictions / Resources / Effects. PDF

TRIZ Concepts and Methods


  1. TRIZ40 website by Roni Horowitz. Detailed list of Inventive Principles mapped to Contradictions! Excellent searchable contradictions database with examples.

  2. Oxford TRIZ Contradictions Matrix. PDF

  3. TRIZ Power Tools. TRIZ Contradictions Exercises. PDF

  4. Valeri Souchkov. TRIZ Define Contradiction Tutorial. PDF

The Ideal Final Result (IFR)

Root Cause Analysis + TRIZ

  1. Karen Gadd. TRIZ - essential to anyone using Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Toolkits. PDF


Inventive Principles: Interpretations and Examples

  1. 40 Inventive Principles Illustrated. PDF

  2. TRIZ Inventive Principles with examples. PDF

  3. TRIZ Inventive Principles One-Pager Reference. PNG Image

Advanced TRIZ Method

  1. Algorithm of Inventive Problem Solving (ARIZ). PDF. This is the advanced version of TRIZ.

  2. Project TETRIS. Short Review of Altshuller’s Algorithm of Inventive Problem Solving (ARIZ) Illustrated. PDF

Su-Field Analysis and Scientific Effects in TRIZ

  1. John Terninko, Ellen Domb, Joe Miller. The Seventy-six Standard Solutions, with Examples. PDF

  2. Davide Russo, Stefano Duci. (World Conference: TRIZ FUTURE, TF 2011-2014). From Altshuller’s 76 Standard Solutions to a new Set of 111 Standards. PDF

  3. Vladimir Petrov. The Law of Increasing Degree of Su-Field. PDF

  4. Project TETRIS. Su-Field Analysis and Standard Solutions. PDF

TRIZ Separation Principles (for Physical Contradictions)

  1. TRIZ Power Tools. TRIZ Separation Principles, Visuals. PDF. Pictures showing Separation Principles for PCs.


TRIZ Case Studies

  1. Chao, J. and Peng, C. (2016) High-Efficiency Solar Electricity of Umbrella by TRIZ Analysis. Energy and Power Engineering, 8, 51-61. doi: <10.4236/epe.2016.82005>. PDF

  2. TRIZ Contradictions in Science Fiction. PDF

  3. TRIZ Games. PDF

  4. Oxford Creativity. TRIZ Case Study: Mars Chocolate Packaging. PDF

TRIZ History

  1. KURYAN Andrei, KUCHARAVY Dmitry. (St. Petersburg, June 2018). The OTSM-TRIZ Heritage of Nikolai N. KHOMENKO (TRIZ Master #59). PDF

  2. Darrell Mann, Simon Dewulf. Updating the Contradiction Matrix. PDF. This paper describes how TRIZ moved from having 39 Parameters to 49 Parameters in the TRIZ Contradiction Matrix.

TRIZ Papers in Journals

  1. Julian F. V. Vincent and Darrell L. Mann. (Feb. 15, 2002). Systematic Technology Transfer from Biology to Engineering. Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Vol.360, No. 1791, Biomimetics: Technology Transfer from Biology to Engineering , pp. 159-173. Royal Society. PDF. Everything by Darrell Mann should be read.

  2. Julian F. V. Vincent, Olga A. Bogatyreva, Nikolaj R. Bogatyrev, Adrian Bowyer and Anja-Karina Pahl. Biomimetics: its practice and theory. PDF

  3. Shiv Kumar, P. S. Bajwa, Kulbhushan. (Jan 2018). Recent Trends in Problem Solving through TRIZ: A Review. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. Vol. 7, Issue 1, January 2018. PDF

  4. Denis Cavallucci. (November 6th 2009). World Wide status of TRIZ perceptions and uses: a survey of results. TRIZFuture 2009, Timisoara, Romania. PDF

  5. Journal of the European TRIZ Association INNOVATOR. Special Issue: Papers Presented at the 14th International TRIZ Future Conference - Global Innovation Convention, Lausanne/CERN, 29.-31.10.2014. PDF

  6. Jennifer Harlim, Iouri Belski (2015). On the Effectiveness of TRIZ Tools for Problem Finding. Procedia Engineering, December 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2015.12.400. PDF

  7. Gunther Schuh, Christoph Haag. How to prevent product piracy using a new TRIZ-based methodology. TRIZ Future Conference 2008, published in Procedia Engineering(2011) 391–401. PDF

  8. B. Cerit, G. Küçükyazıcı, and D. Şener.(2014) TRIZ: Theory of Inventive Problem Solving and Comparison of TRIZ with the other Problem Solving Techniques. BALKAN JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL & COMPUTER ENGINEERING, 2014, Vol.2, No.2. PDF


Teaching TRIZ

  1. Project TETRIS – TEaching TRIz at School.

  2. Sergey Malkin, Donald Coates,Galina Malkin. An Improved Method for Teaching the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving to Students. PDF


  4. Wessel W. Wits,Tom H.J. Vaneker, Valeri Souchkov. Full Immersion TRIZ in Education. PDF

  5. B. Cerit, G. Küçükyazıcı, and D. Şener. TRIZ: Theory of Inventive Problem Solving and Comparison of TRIZ with the other Problem Solving Techniques. BALKAN JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL & COMPUTER ENGINEERING, 2014, Vol.2, No.2. PDF
