Birds of Different Feathers

Boston Public Library on Unsplash


We will briefly study the Big5/MBTI Personality Test Matrix and understand the “dichotomies” these embody. We will then use these to understand ourselves, as we create some novel situations for ourselves in a Game.

Icebreaker Game!

Look at the slide full of numbers on the screen. I would like you to:

  • Silently work through the slide until you have found all the numbers
  • Raise your hand when you have done so.

A Personality Game

I have divided you up into 4 groups. Each group will be given a specific task. You will need to:

  • Discuss how to complete the Task
  • Complete the Task and document your work
  • Also document the main aspects of Discussion in your group. Who said/ suggested what; what were the points of agreement; what were the contentious points etc.
  • Present all of this : 7 + 5 minutes / team

Why does this Matter to Us

From the two exercises, we see that:

  • Reality depends upon the viewer: and that there are many possible points of view. Note that this is about our cognitive bias that may depend upon our cultural outlook, and our ability to miss things.
  • It is emphatically not about alternative facts which is arrant nonsense.
  • We all have our “default modes” for behaviour, that give us a restricted appreciation of the World
  • As creators we need to be able straddle, if possible, the spectrum of the 4 preference pairs, in order to comprehend reality better.
  • Comprehending reality better gives a stronger basis for Art/Design decisions and plans for action.

Additional References
