Thinking, Fast and Slow with Daniel Kahneman

Photo by Duncan Cook on Twitter

Can you See Straight?

We will play several short games followed by discussions. These games may bring to light some of our Cognitive Biases and see how they affect us, and especially as we try to function as Artists/Designers/Creators.

There will be short readings that follow after each game.

But first, let us see how frail/fragile/fallible… we all are:

Right! On to our first little fallibility!

Cognitive Miserliness

Test: PPT

Short Reading: PDF

Exaggerated Emotional Coherence

Tool: PDF

Reading: Here is a short reading on Exaggerated Emotional Coherence, also known as the Halo Effect** Download PDF **

Available Resources: Game #1

You have to Stick the lighted candle to the Wall in such a way that the melting wax does not drop on to the floor.

Available Resources: Game #2

Look at the graph below: does it remind you of something you know very well?

What does this graph represent?

Let us pretend we are part of this graph and see where our Problem Formulating Skills take us!


  • Problems and Contradictions
  • All Available Resources
  • Assumptions and Functional Fixedness

A comparable switch of attention occurs in an old joke about a worker in a high security factory, in which the employees were carefully watched when they left at the end of their work day. On a particular day, this worker was stopped at the factory gate as he walked out with a wheelbarrow full of styrofoam packing peanuts. He explained that he had salvaged these from the trash, and was planning to use them in shipping gifts to his grandchildren. Searching through this packing material, the guards found nothing, and so they let the man go home. The following week the same thing happened, and the worker was again stopped. But he offered the very same story, and when the guards searched through the packing peanuts and found nothing, he was allowed to leave. But this continued, week after week, until the guards could no longer believe that one person would want or could make use of so much packing material. Finally, the man was held for interrogation, at which time he admitted that he had absolutely no use for packing peanuts - and that, all these weeks, he had been stealing wheelbarrows.

Hearing this joke, I am reminded of the phrase “part and parcel”, which is a rough equivalent of “figure and ground”, the Gestalt Principles. Throughout most of it, the packing peanuts occupy center stage as figure (part), while the wheelbarrows (which function merely as containers) are completely ignored as innocuous ground (parcel). At the end of the joke, there is an unexpected twist, a switch of emphasis, a recentering, when we learn that the parcel is really the part.

This should also remind us of the Guilford Alternative Uses Exercise that we did, where we forced ourselves to leave the “regular use” of an object behind and think of it as serving quite another function.

Bias on TV

Let’s find some of these ideas in our favourite Episode of one Season of your favourite show and tell everybody with a poster!


  1. The Halo Effect,

  2. Nisbett, R. E., & Wilson, T. D. (1977). The halo effect: Evidence for unconscious alteration of judgments. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 35(4), 250–256. Download PDF

  3. Bayesian Thinking Tutorial

Arvind V.
Arvind V.

My research interests are Complexity Science, Creativity and Innovation, Problem Solving with TRIZ, Literature, Indian Classical Music, and Computing with R.
