🧭 Generative Art using R


Let us listen to Thomas Lin Pederson briefly on Generative Art using R:

Abstract and Course Contents


  1. Thomas Lin Pedersen:

  2. Antonio Sánchez Chinchón:

  3. Danielle Navarro’s Generative Art:

  4. Claus Wilke:

  5. Generative Art by Katharina Brunner:

  6. William Chase:

  7. Marcus Volz:

  8. https://generative.substack.com/p/generative-art-and-r

  9. https://paulvanderlaken.com/2020/05/02/generative-art-computer-design-painting/

  10. https://www.bigbookofr.com/art.html#thinking-outside-the-grid---a-bare-bones-intro-to-rtistry-concepts-in-r-using-ggplot

  11. https://generatecoll.medium.com/how-i-used-excel-to-create-abstract-album-artwork-fee740d4414f

  12. Random Digital Beauty. https://anaselk.com/p/generative-r/

  13. https://nannou.cc

  14. https://openframeworks.cc/

  15. https://libcinder.org

  16. Coding Train with Dan Shiffman:

  17. Sophia Crespo: (makes speculative biological creatures using neural networks)

Other Interesting Websites and Works

  1. The Book of Shaders by Patricio Gonzalez Vivo and Jen Lowehttps://thebookofshaders.com/
  2. Scott Murray’s D3 Art page: https://scottmurray.org/
  3. Inigo Quilez, Digital Artist: https://iquilezles.org/ (ShaderToy, GraphToy, and MadeThisThing)