Lab-02: Drink Me!


We will get acquainted with the RMarkdown format, which allows us to mix text narrative, code, code-developed figures and items from the web in a seamless document.

Then we can try to create something in the lines of what Hans Rosling did.

Something that can:
- provide a visualization
- provide insight
- tell a story
- is reproducible


  1. Complete the markdowntutorial in [reference 1]

  2. Create a fresh RMarkdown document and use as many as possible of the RMarkdown constructs from the Cheatsheet [reference 4]


  1. Go to reference 3 and install tinytex. Try to knit your document into PDF also, using tinytex.

Fun Stuff

  1. Desirée De Leon, Alison Hill: rstudio4edu: A Handbook for Teaching and Learning with R and RStudio,