🌲 Algorithmic Trees, L-Systems and Kolams


Trees are fractal in nature, meaning that patterns created by the large structures, such as the main branches, repeat themselves in smaller structures, such as smaller branches…. a universal growth pattern first observed by Leonardo da Vinci 500 years ago: a simple yet startling relationship that always holds between the size of a tree’s trunk and sizes of its branches.

(Image Courtesy Christophe Eloy | University of Provence)

Let us see how we can create “Algorithmic Trees”.

An Introduction to L-Systems


Resources for Kolam Art

Attached Files:
File Marcia Ascher - Kolam Tradition.pdf (2.94 MB) File Saty Raghupathy - Tile based Kolam.pdf (688.669 KB) 1) Marcia Ascher: The Kolam Tradition

This is a very readable intro to Kolam, the threshold art form from Tamil Nadu.

Marcia Ascher has written two great books on the subject of math + culture. (I will put up her books, “Ethnomathematics” and “Math Elsewhere” on a separate folder on BB.)

  1. Saty Raghavachary: Tile-based Kolam Patterns

This is an alternative way, of using permutations of simple “Tiles” that can be used to alphabetically form a Kolam. ( This is also briefly touched upon in MArcia Ascher’s paper).

Saty Raghavachary is Professor of Computer Science at U of Southern California.

Also take a look a the 2 minute video on kolam at his website: https://satysfactory.blogspot.in/2009/01/kolams.html


W5 - D1 - Thomas Edward Brown and Elizabeth Barrett Browning 1) Thomas Edward Brown


if you have heard of the word “godwottery”, it came from this poem.

  1. Elizabeth Barrett Browning


