Basics of Machine Learning - Clustering

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash


We saw that Regression and Classification always had a target variable, which we wanted the algorithm to match, with as high an accuracy as possible.

What if we don’t have a target variable? What kind of situation would that be? Would it be commonplace?

Game-1: Sushi, anyone?

Let us play a version of an HR game, which we will call Making Sushi. I am going to call out some “choices”, something you might want to do, or not, and you will need to move to a specific location in the room based upon your Yes/No answer.


  • On what basis did you move?
    • Distance/Proximity/Similarity ( “That’s me!”)
  • What were the so-called “observations” in the data? You!!
  • Each of you started in “your own cluster” and joined one as soon as you saw Proximity.

Contrary to what you might think, this was an example of top-down Clustering, sort of, since I was calling out (central control) the basis for cluster formation. Each Observation could move of course into any cluster, as long as it maximized the Proximity.





So what is Clustering good for then?

  • Clustering is used in many diverse fields.
    • genes -> diseases; drugs -> diseases
    • customers -> tastes, products
    • food -> nutrients.
  • There is no target variable! Just groupings of existing data.
  • New data can also be clustered based on the groupings discovered in Clustering.

Sometimes we just want to mine the data: Are there any patterns, or groupings in there?

How Does one Use Proximity for Clustering?

Here are two interactives to understand how to create clusters with training data.

Cluster Prediction for New Data

TBD: Is this classification or clustering !!!

Click on any part of the canvas below and see how the Clustering algorithm decides the cluster for the point based on the nearest neighbours.

Algorithm to create clusters (training ):

  • Cluster Assignment
    • Select the number of Clusters you “need”. (Not simple!!)
    • Set random start points for the clusters
    • Calculate Proximity of each point to the “start points”
    • Assign Cluster to each point based on highest proximity (smallest distance)
  • Centroid Update
    • Aha! Recalculate Cluster Centers based on centroid of cluster.
  • Repeat.

To predict:

  • Simply calculate distance to the k nearest neighbours
  • Take majority vote based on their cluster identification

Clustering Using Orange

Let us first do this interactively! Fire up Orange Data Mining and open this file. Interactive k-Means


Arvind V.
Arvind V.

My research interests are Complexity Science, Creativity and Innovation, Problem Solving with TRIZ, Literature, Indian Classical Music, and Computing with R.
