🕸 No Man is an Island

Part of a Whole

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An Example

What influences love at first sight? (Or, at least, love in the first four minutes?)

This dataset was compiled by Columbia Business School professors Ray Fisman and Sheena Iyengar for their paper Gender Differences in Mate Selection: Evidence From a Speed Dating Experiment.

Data was gathered from participants in experimental speed dating events from 2002-2004. During the events, the attendees would have a four minute “first date” with every other participant of the opposite sex. At the end of their four minutes, participants were asked if they would like to see their date again. They were also asked to rate their date on six attributes: Attractiveness, Sincerity, Intelligence, Fun, Ambition, and Shared Interests.

What is the Story here?

  1. Do people prefer to date someone from their own race?
  2. Is that different for men and women?
  3. Does physical attractiveness help to overcome age differences?
Arvind V.
Arvind V.

My research interests are Complexity Science, Creativity and Innovation, Problem Solving with TRIZ, Literature, Indian Classical Music, and Computing with R.
