πŸ—Ί Maps


First; let us watch a short, noisy video on maps:

Maps That Will Change The Way You See The World:

What kind of maps will we make?


Bubble Map

1. Animal and Bird Migration

  1. Head off to movebank.org
  2. Look at a few species of interest and choose one.
  3. Download the data ( ESRI Shapefile)
  4. Import that into R using sf_read()
  5. See how you can plot locations, tracks and colour by species….based on the data you download.

For tutorial info: https://movebankworkshopraleighnc.netlify.app/

2. UFO Sightings

Here is a UFO Sighting dataset, containing location and text descriptions. https://github.com/planetsig/ufo-reports/blob/master/csv-data/ufo-scrubbed-geocoded-time-standardized.csv
